If you are :
1) an aggressive startup company looking an opportunity to
grow with us, or
2) an established system integrator/distributor looking for
extra revenue in this exciting Wi-Fi hotspot market, or
3) a Wi-Fi equipment or other hardware manufacturer looking
for way to incorporate hotspot features in your offering
Please contact us.
Since we receive quite a bit of partnership requests, please try
to answer the following questions in your email:
1) Your coverage area - if you are from the US, which region?
2) Nature of business - System integrator, Distributor, WiFi equipment
manufacturers? Do you resell other products?
3) Your plan to FirstSpot® - no need to be extensive. Just some
ideas on what you want to do with FirstSpot®. You already have
customers looking for hotspot solution like FirstSpot®? Or you
plan to actively market/push FirstSpot®?