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TImeout problems with premium edition

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Joined: 28 Jun 2011
Posts: 6
Location: French Polynesia

PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 12:36 am    
Post subject: TImeout problems with premium edition

Hello, I have installed firstpot in Premium Edition, the only problem i have is the timeout problems (Sometime it's too slow to load, sometime timeout error)

I don't know where the problem coming from ?

Please can you help me please ?
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Joined: 26 Sep 2003
Posts: 4435

PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 2:59 am    
Post subject:

You mean you have timeout problem in the client PC when browsing?

If yes, please issue:


in the client PC and post the output here.
~ Patronsoft Limited ~
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Joined: 28 Jun 2011
Posts: 6
Location: French Polynesia

PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 7:20 pm    
Post subject: Timeout problems with premium edition

Yes I have timeout problem in the client PC when browsing when i'm connected to the firstpot, (after logged in).

I try some command : ipconfig/all, nslookup, ping :

Microsoft Windows XP [version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Documents and Settings\Christophe>ipconfig/all

Configuration IP de Windows

Nom de l'hôte . . . . . . . . . . : pc_christophe
Suffixe DNS principal . . . . . . :
Type de noud . . . . . . . . . . : Hybride
Routage IP activé . . . . . . . . : Non
Proxy WINS activé . . . . . . . . : Non
Liste de recherche du suffixe DNS : aremiti.wifi

Carte Ethernet Connexion réseau sans fil:

Suffixe DNS propre à la connexion : aremiti.wifi
Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Ralink Turbo Wireless LAN Card
Adresse physique . . . . . . . . .: 00-08-A1-AD-7F-83
DHCP activé. . . . . . . . . . . : Oui
Configuration automatique activée . . . . : Oui
Adresse IP. . . . . . . . . . . . :
Masque de sous-réseau . . . . . . :
Passerelle par défaut . . . . . . :
Serveur DHCP. . . . . . . . . . . :
Serveurs DNS . . . . . . . . . . :
Bail obtenu . . . . . . . . . . . : jeudi 30 juin 2011 09:01:23
Bail expirant . . . . . . . . . . : samedi 2 juillet 2011 09:01:23

C:\Documents and Settings\Christophe>nslookup
Serveur : aremiti.wifi

Réponse ne faisant pas autorité :
Nom :

C:\Documents and Settings\Christophe>ping

Envoi d'une requête 'ping' sur [] avec 32 octets de donné
es :

Délai d'attente de la demande dépassé.
Délai d'attente de la demande dépassé.
Délai d'attente de la demande dépassé.
Délai d'attente de la demande dépassé.

Statistiques Ping pour
Paquets : envoyés = 4, reçus = 0, perdus = 4 (perte 100%),

Thanks gor your help
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Joined: 26 Sep 2003
Posts: 4435

PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 5:30 am    
Post subject:

Your DNS look okay.

The ping has problem, is it is always like that? Can you do that same test in the server?

BTW, can you describe your problem in more details. E.g. is it reproducible? Or it happens only once a while? Also, do you have similar when browsing from server? What exactly you see in the client side browser?
~ Patronsoft Limited ~
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Joined: 28 Jun 2011
Posts: 6
Location: French Polynesia

PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 5:34 pm    
Post subject: Timeout problems with premium edition

Yes it's all the time like that since some days ago. I have reproduct it on different network. When the client can logged in without problems. but when connected the client have the internet connection but it's very very very slow. i do not really have error message, the problem is only the bandwith too small.
On the other side, the server browsing well without bandwith problems, the problem exists only on the client PC.
Here the same test on the server :

Microsoft Windows XP [version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>ipconfig/all

Configuration IP de Windows

Nom de l'hôte . . . . . . . . . . : aremiti-da360a0
Suffixe DNS principal . . . . . . :
Type de noud . . . . . . . . . . : Inconnu
Routage IP activé . . . . . . . . : Oui
Proxy WINS activé . . . . . . . . : Oui

Carte Ethernet Internet WAN:

Suffixe DNS propre à la connexion :
Description . . . . . . . . . . . : TRENDnet, TEG-PCITXR 32-bit 10/100/
Adresse physique . . . . . . . . .: 00-40-F4-CD-AA-1D
DHCP activé. . . . . . . . . . . : Non
Adresse IP. . . . . . . . . . . . :
Masque de sous-réseau . . . . . . :
Adresse IP. . . . . . . . . . . . :
Masque de sous-réseau . . . . . . :
Passerelle par défaut . . . . . . :
Serveurs DNS . . . . . . . . . . :

Carte Ethernet Visitor LAN:

Suffixe DNS propre à la connexion :
Description . . . . . . . . . . . : TRENDnet, TEG-PCITXR 32-bit 10/100/
1000Mbps PCI ADAPTER #2
Adresse physique . . . . . . . . .: 00-14-D1-1A-6C-91
DHCP activé. . . . . . . . . . . : Non
Adresse IP. . . . . . . . . . . . :
Masque de sous-réseau . . . . . . :
Passerelle par défaut . . . . . . :

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>nslookup
Serveur :

Réponse ne faisant pas autorité :
Nom :

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>ping

Envoi d'une requête 'ping' sur [] avec 32 octets de donné
es :

Réponse de : octets=32 temps=186 ms TTL=53
Réponse de : octets=32 temps=186 ms TTL=53
Réponse de : octets=32 temps=186 ms TTL=53
Réponse de : octets=32 temps=186 ms TTL=53

Statistiques Ping pour
Paquets : envoyés = 4, reçus = 4, perdus = 0 (perte 0%),
Durée approximative des boucles en millisecondes :
Minimum = 186ms, Maximum = 186ms, Moyenne = 186ms

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>
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Joined: 26 Sep 2003
Posts: 4435

PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 6:01 pm    
Post subject:

Please change the server DNS to only one entry (e.g. or, and then restart FirstSpot.

If you still have problem, please post your firstspot_gw_srv_[timestamp].log (first 300 lines) under FirstSpot\log directory.
~ Patronsoft Limited ~
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Forum facilitator

Joined: 26 Sep 2003
Posts: 4435

PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 6:04 pm    
Post subject:

Also, it is obvious the ping fails in the client side. Did you somehow change the NAT/routing in your network recently?
~ Patronsoft Limited ~
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Joined: 28 Jun 2011
Posts: 6
Location: French Polynesia

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 1:14 am    
Post subject: Timeout problems

I do not change the NAT/routing in my network recently.

Here is the content of the file in the log directory "firstspot_gw_srv_2011.07.01_08.47.40/log" :
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Starting Print Log **
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** FirstSpot Version (6.0.7) **
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: Read Session Log: Session Log[ON]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: Read DataBase Info: Datasource[FILEDSN=C:\Program Files\FirstSpot\datasource\mysql.dsn;]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: Read DataBase Info: Datasource driver[MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: Read DataBase Info: Datasource type[1]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: Read DataBase Info: Datasource Tablename[fsusr]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: Read DataBase Info: Datasource Log Tablename[fsusrlog]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: Read DataBase Info: Datasource Shared Secret Tablename[fssecret]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: PrivateMAC[0014d11a6c91]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: Read BlockICMP_UDP: Block ICMP[ON]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: Read BlockICMP_UDP: Block UDP[ON]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: Read Driver Param: Session Time Limit[0]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: Read Driver Param: Idle time out[10]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: Read Driver Param: Driver Time Out[1]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: Read Driver Param: listen port[5786]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: Read Driver Param: Authentication port[5788]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: Read Driver Param: Https port[5790]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: Read Driver Param: Authentication IP[]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: Read Driver Param: Private gateway domain name[aremiti.wifi]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: Read Driver Param: Logout automatically when Infobox is closed [OFF]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: Read Driver Param: Default Instant Keywords port[5801]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: Read Global BandWidth Throttle: Upload Throttle is disabled
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: Read Global BandWidth Throttle: Download Throttle is disabled
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: Read PW Offloading [OFF]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: Read Session Handling: [MAC]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: Read Anonymous Login: Anonymous [NO]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: Read Anonymous Login: AnonymousSharedSecret [NO]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: Read Lisence Path: licensePath[C:\Program Files\FirstSpot\license.key]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: Read IP: gatewayIP[]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: Read IP: subnetMask[]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: Read IP: privateIP[]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: ReadMultipleNetworkSegment: Login Page Count[0]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: Read Allow Disconnect: allow private disconnect[NO]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: Read Allow Disconnect: allow public disconnect[NO]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: Read NIC: system default locale [40c], user default locale [40c]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: Read NIC: Current equipment manufacturer (OEM) code page [850], Current Windows ANSI code page [1252]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: Read NIC: publicNIC[Internet WAN]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: Read NIC: privateNIC[Visitor LAN]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: Read Allowed Hosts: hosts key words file path[C:\Program Files\FirstSpot\AllowedHostsKeywords.txt]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: Read Allowed Hosts: hosts ip file path[C:\Program Files\FirstSpot\AllowedHostsIps.txt]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: Read Default Login Page: [login_select.php]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: Read DHCP: mode[0]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: Read DHCP: DHCP Path[C:\Program Files\FirstSpot\dhcp\dhcpservice.ini]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: Read Skip Nic D/E[Allow]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: Packet Drop Period [20]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: SMTP Roaming OFF
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: Read AuthServ: No MAX Attempt
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: Read Global Data Transfer Download[Disabled]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: Read Global Data Transfer Upload[Disabled]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: Read Global Data Transfer Download Quota[0]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: Read Global Data Transfer Upload Quota[0]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: URL Tracking ON
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: NAT[Enabled]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: NAT TYPE[0]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: Read Proxy ARP Count[0]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: FSFO: Failover [0]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: Scenario2 Technology [OFF]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: Read Max Conc User: Maximum number of concurrent users is unlimited
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: In-browser: iscript file's path [C:\Program Files\FirstSpot\iscript.txt]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: In-browser: Proxy port[5796]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: In-browser: Script port[5802]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: In-browser: In-browser Message [ON]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: In-browser Message time reminder[ON ][5]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: Internet Surfing Break [OFF]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: Pool: min connection [3], max connection [10]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: Read Scratch Login: Scratch [NO]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: Read Payment Method: [ppal]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: Read Preferred DNS server IP for the Visitor Network []
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Service: Read Alternate DNS server IP for the Visitor Network []
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** System Info for Verification **
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** System Info for Verification:Microsoft Windows XP
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** System Info for Verification:Professional
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** System Info for Verification:{Service Pack 3} (Build 2600)
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** SUCCESS **
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Virtual Platform Info for Verification **
01/07/2011 08:47:40 IoctlNdisQueryGlobalStats ->
01/07/2011 08:47:40 <- IoctlNdisQueryGlobalStats
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** GetMacAddress: (mac 00:14:d1:1a:6c:91) [permanent]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Hardware Info for Verification **
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Hardware Info for Verification: Number of processors: {4}
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Hardware Info for Verification: Page size: {4096}
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Hardware Info for Verification: Processor type: {Alpha]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Hardware Info for Verification: wProcessorLevel: {Intel Pentium Pro, II, III or 4}
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Hardware Info for Verification: CPU Hz {2399}MHz
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Hardware Info for Verification: CPU Name {Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz}
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Hardware Info for Verification: CPU Model {x86 Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 11}
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Memory Status: Total Physical Memory 2038 MBytes
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Memory Status: Free Physical Memory 1417 MBytes
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Memory Status: Total Page File 3931 MBytes
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Memory Status: Available Page File 3050 MBytes
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Memory Status: Total Virtual Memory 2047 MBytes
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Memory Status: Available Virtual Memory 1988 MBytes
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Memory Status: Total Memory Loaded 30 Bytes
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** ReadVirturalMemSetting: Query registry (PagingFiles) = C:\pagefile.sys 2046 4092
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** Memory Mapping: [C:\Program Files\FirstSpot\log\firstspot_gw_srv_2011.07.01_08.47.40.log]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** verifyPublicNicStatus=>
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** firstspotconOperation2=>
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** firstspotconOperation2: Connection Name[Internet WAN]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** firstspotconOperation2: Hardware Name Obtained[TRENDnet, TEG-PCITXR 32-bit 10/100/1000Mbps PCI ADAPTER]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** firstspotconOperation2: Hardware ID Obtained[PCI\VEN_10EC&DEV_8169&SUBSYS_816910EC&REV_10\4&CF81C54&0&00F0]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** firstspotconOperation2{STA_PUBLIC_NIC}: Getting Status
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** firstspotconOperation2{STA_PUBLIC_NIC}: Internet NIC started
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** <=firstspotconOperation2
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** <=verifyPublicNicStatus
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** probePublicIP=>
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** probePublicIP: Connection Name[Internet WAN]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** probePublicIP: Hardware Guid Obtained[{0BFA9D55-A5E5-4E03-B4FE-E70EB22CA878}]
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** <=probePublicIP
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** validate_SubnetAddr =>
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** validate_SubnetAddr <=
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** EnableDisableAssignIPs=>
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** EnableDisableAssignIPs: Skip Disable Visitor NIC
01/07/2011 08:47:40 ** EnableDisableAssignIPs: Configuring Visitor NIC
01/07/2011 08:47:52 ** EnableDisableAssignIPs: Finished Configuring Visitor NIC
01/07/2011 08:47:52 ** EnableDisableAssignIPs: Skip Enable Visitor NIC
01/07/2011 08:47:52 ** <=EnableDisableAssignIPs
01/07/2011 08:47:52 ** verifyPrivateNicStatus=>
01/07/2011 08:47:52 ** firstspotconOperation2=>
01/07/2011 08:47:52 ** firstspotconOperation2: Connection Name[Visitor LAN]
01/07/2011 08:47:52 ** firstspotconOperation2: Hardware Name Obtained[TRENDnet, TEG-PCITXR 32-bit 10/100/1000Mbps PCI ADAPTER #2]
01/07/2011 08:47:52 ** firstspotconOperation2: Hardware ID Obtained[PCI\VEN_10EC&DEV_8169&SUBSYS_816910EC&REV_10\4&CF81C54&0&08F0]
01/07/2011 08:47:52 ** firstspotconOperation2{STA_PRIVATE_NIC}: Getting Status
01/07/2011 08:47:52 ** firstspotconOperation2{STA_PRIVATE_NIC}: Visitor NIC started
01/07/2011 08:47:52 ** <=firstspotconOperation2
01/07/2011 08:47:52 ** <=verifyPrivateNicStatus
01/07/2011 08:47:52 entering verify NIC
01/07/2011 08:47:52 verify NIC : Internet NIC{{0BFA9D55-A5E5-4E03-B4FE-E70EB22CA878}}
01/07/2011 08:47:52 verify NIC : Visitor NIC{{8F1DFB40-0C5D-4FEA-805B-96EB6835DCB5}}
01/07/2011 08:47:52 IoctlNdisQueryGlobalStats ->
01/07/2011 08:47:52 <- IoctlNdisQueryGlobalStats
01/07/2011 08:47:52 IoctlNdisQueryGlobalStats ->
01/07/2011 08:47:52 <- IoctlNdisQueryGlobalStats
01/07/2011 08:47:52 Visitor network interface card Component
01/07/2011 08:47:52 ** showNICComponent ->
01/07/2011 08:47:52 ** showNICComponent: using IPv4
01/07/2011 08:47:52 ** showNICComponent: [BIND] Protocole Internet (TCP/IP)
01/07/2011 08:47:52 ** showNICComponent: [BIND] PatronSoft FirstHop Driver
01/07/2011 08:47:52 ** showNICComponent: [UNBIND] Kaspersky Anti-Virus NDIS Filter
01/07/2011 08:47:52 ** showNICComponent: [BIND] Partage de fichiers et d'imprimantes pour les réseaux Microsoft
01/07/2011 08:47:52 ** showNICComponent: [UNBIND] Planificateur de paquets QoS
01/07/2011 08:47:52 ** showNICComponent: [BIND] Client pour les réseaux Microsoft
01/07/2011 08:47:52 ** <- showNICComponent
01/07/2011 08:47:52 FirstHop driver is binded to 2 network cards, please check your config.
01/07/2011 08:47:52 leaving verify NIC
01/07/2011 08:47:52 IoctlNdisQueryGlobalStats ->
01/07/2011 08:47:52 <- IoctlNdisQueryGlobalStats
01/07/2011 08:47:52 ** GetMacAddress: (mac 00:14:d1:1a:6c:91) [permanent]
01/07/2011 08:47:52 license key valid, running Premium edition
01/07/2011 08:47:52 ** RestartApacheService=>
01/07/2011 08:47:52 ** RestartApacheService: restart gracefully
01/07/2011 08:47:55 ** <=RestartApacheService
01/07/2011 08:47:55 ** StopUnusedServices=>
01/07/2011 08:47:55 ** StopUnusedServices: SharedAccess
01/07/2011 08:47:55 ** StopUnusedServices: DNS
01/07/2011 08:47:55 ** StopUnusedServices: DHCPServer
01/07/2011 08:47:55 ** <=StopUnusedServices
01/07/2011 08:47:55 ** modifyRRAS=>
01/07/2011 08:47:55 ** resetRRAS ->
01/07/2011 08:47:59 ** resetRRAS: remove visitor NIC
01/07/2011 08:48:00 ** resetRRAS: add visitor NIC
01/07/2011 08:48:02 ** <- resetRRAS
01/07/2011 08:48:02 ** modifyRRAS: Configuring
01/07/2011 08:48:10 ** restartRRAS->
01/07/2011 08:48:10 ** restartRRAS: OpenService
01/07/2011 08:48:10 ** restartRRAS: Stopping
01/07/2011 08:48:10 ** restartRRAS: starting
01/07/2011 08:48:10 ** <-restartRRAS
01/07/2011 08:48:10 ** <=modifyRRAS
01/07/2011 08:48:10 ** modifyDNS ->
01/07/2011 08:48:10 Preferred DNS List:
01/07/2011 08:48:10 using DNS List;
01/07/2011 08:48:10 ** WriteBindCfg: bindpath[C:\Program Files\FirstSpot\dns\etc\]
01/07/2011 08:48:10 ** <- modifyDNS
01/07/2011 08:48:12 IoctlNdisQueryGlobalStats ->
01/07/2011 08:48:12 <- IoctlNdisQueryGlobalStats
01/07/2011 08:48:12 ** GetMacAddress: (mac 00:14:d1:1a:6c:91) [current]
01/07/2011 08:48:12 Multiple Network Segment Count = (0)
01/07/2011 08:48:12 ** WriteROUTERCfg : Ignore Multiple Network Segment Proc for non-ADV MODE USER **
01/07/2011 08:48:12 Quit WriteROUTERCfg!
01/07/2011 08:48:13 ** setdispatcher=>
01/07/2011 08:48:13 IoctlNdisQueryGlobalStats ->
01/07/2011 08:48:13 <- IoctlNdisQueryGlobalStats
01/07/2011 08:48:13 ** GetMacAddress: (mac 00:14:d1:1a:6c:91) [permanent]
01/07/2011 08:48:13 ** setdispatcher : Enforce MAC address session handling for non-ADV USER
01/07/2011 08:48:13 ** setdispatcher : SMTP Roaming OFF
01/07/2011 08:48:13 ** setdispatcher : Public Adapter IP[]
01/07/2011 08:48:13 ** setdispatcher : Private IP(
01/07/2011 08:48:13 ** setdispatcher : idle timeout(10)
01/07/2011 08:48:13 ** setdispatcher : driver timeout(1)
01/07/2011 08:48:13 ** setdispatcher : Gateway IP(
01/07/2011 08:48:13 ** setdispatcher : Listen Port(5786)
01/07/2011 08:48:13 ** setdispatcher : Auth Port(5788)
01/07/2011 08:48:13 ** setdispatcher : Redirect Port(5790)
01/07/2011 08:48:13 ** setdispatcher : Authenicate IP(
01/07/2011 08:48:13 ** setdispatcher : Up Load Limit(-1)
01/07/2011 08:48:13 ** setdispatcher : Down Load Limit(-1)
01/07/2011 08:48:13 ** setdispatcher : Interval(1)
01/07/2011 08:48:13 ** setdispatcher : Drop Period(2)
01/07/2011 08:48:13 ** setdispatcher : PKTInterval(20)
01/07/2011 08:48:13 ** setdispatcher : Restricted Redirect ON
01/07/2011 08:48:13 ** setdispatcher : Logout automatically when Infobox is closed ( OFF)
01/07/2011 08:48:13 ** setdispatcher : Internet Surfing Break ( OFF)
01/07/2011 08:48:13 ** <=setdispatcher
01/07/2011 08:48:13 ** StartServiceThread: Create Connection Pool
01/07/2011 08:48:14 ** MonitorConnectionNumberThread: =>
01/07/2011 08:48:14 ** PipeListenThread=>
01/07/2011 08:48:14 ** MonitorConnectionNumberThread: =>
01/07/2011 08:48:14 ** DeviceNotifyDBLogin=>
01/07/2011 08:48:14 ** ObtainHttpReportThread=>
01/07/2011 08:48:14 ** InitialCaptureThread:=>
01/07/2011 08:48:14 ** DeviceNotifyDB=>
01/07/2011 08:48:14 ** <=InitialCaptureThread:
01/07/2011 08:48:14 ** ObtainBWReportThread=>
01/07/2011 08:48:14 ** Reset All Accounts
01/07/2011 08:48:14 ** InitFailOver=>
01/07/2011 08:48:14 ** InitFailOver: IOCTL_INIT_FAILOVER SUCCESS
01/07/2011 08:48:14 ** <=InitFailOver
01/07/2011 08:48:14 ** EnableDrvBlock: BLOCK_ICMP ENABLED
01/07/2011 08:48:14 ** EnableDrvBlock: IOCTL_CMD_ENABLE_BLOCK_ICMP SUCCESS
01/07/2011 08:48:14 ** EnableDrvBlock: BLOCK_UDP ENABLED
01/07/2011 08:48:14 ** EnableDrvBlock: IOCTL_CMD_ENABLE_BLOCK_UDP SUCCESS
01/07/2011 08:48:14 ** EnableDrvDP: IOCTL_CMD_ENABLE_DEBUG SUCCESS, debug_level=1
01/07/2011 08:48:14 ** EnableDrvDP: IOCTL_CMD_DEBUG_PATH_INIT SUCCESS
01/07/2011 08:48:14 ** InitAllowIPTable: IOCTL_CMD_ALLOWED_IP_INIT SUCCESS
01/07/2011 08:48:14 ** read_client_pass ->
01/07/2011 08:48:14 ** read_client_pass: file name=C:\Program Files\FirstSpot\config.ini, session=0
01/07/2011 08:48:14 ** <- read_client_pass
01/07/2011 08:48:14 ** read_port_filter ->
01/07/2011 08:48:14 ** <- read_port_filter
01/07/2011 08:48:14 ** read_acl ->
01/07/2011 08:48:14 ** <- read_acl
01/07/2011 08:48:14 ** ProcURLTrackingRange=>
01/07/2011 08:48:14 ** ProcURLTrackingRange: (INFO) Type[1]
01/07/2011 08:48:14 ** <=ProcURLTrackingRange
01/07/2011 08:48:14 ** StartFirstSpot: QoS is not supported in non-adv edition
01/07/2011 08:48:14 ** indicate_subnetmask: IOCTL_CMD_GET_SUBNETMASK SUCCESS, sm.smask={}
01/07/2011 08:48:14 ** Filter Initialized
01/07/2011 08:48:14 ** InitOtherSiteClientFlt Initialized
01/07/2011 08:48:14 ** init_uatoken=>
01/07/2011 08:48:14 ** init_uatoken: Ignore to Init
01/07/2011 08:48:14 ** <=init_uatoken
01/07/2011 08:48:14 Bandwidth Throttle (Overall Upload Limit:(unlimit)KB/s Overall Download Limit:(unlimit)KB/s)
01/07/2011 08:48:19 ** AddPassiveLoginMAC=>
01/07/2011 08:48:19 ** MonitorFSR=>
01/07/2011 08:48:19 ** AddPassiveLoginMAC: IOCTL_CMD_PL_MAC_RESET SUCCESS
01/07/2011 08:48:19 ** <=AddPassiveLoginMAC
01/07/2011 08:48:19 IoctlNdisQueryGlobalStats ->
01/07/2011 08:48:19 <------ batch_fP_RetValue stats : 0.
01/07/2011 08:48:19 <- IoctlNdisQueryGlobalStats
01/07/2011 08:48:19 ** StartFirstSpot: no Batch File or Failed the execution
01/07/2011 08:48:19 ** GetMacAddress: (mac 00:14:d1:1a:6c:91) [permanent]
01/07/2011 08:48:19 ** StartFirstSpot: MonitorPMem Thread Created
01/07/2011 08:48:19 ** MonitorPMem=>
01/07/2011 08:48:19 ** Service: FirstSpot starts successfully.
01/07/2011 08:48:36 ** GetPage: !HttpSendRequest
01/07/2011 08:48:36 ** AddressThread: Status Code[0] site2
01/07/2011 08:48:36 ** AddressThread: LastError [12057]
01/07/2011 08:48:43 ** AddressThread: Status Code[0] site1
01/07/2011 08:48:43 ** AddressThread: Normal Mode ON
01/07/2011 08:48:43 ** AddressThread: Online validation check succeeds
01/07/2011 11:13:06 ** AuthLoginODBC: Authenticate[]
01/07/2011 11:13:07 ** RetVal[1]
01/07/2011 11:13:07 ** AuthLoginODBC:[] recur_option[0], week_sch[0], start time[-1], end time[-1]
01/07/2011 11:13:07 ** AuthLoginODBC: Current Time [Fri Jul 01 11:13:07 2011], [2399]sec
01/07/2011 11:13:07 ** AuthLoginODBC:[] browser Information (Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; fr; rv: Gecko/20110614 Firefox/3.6.18 ( .NET CLR 3.5.30729))
01/07/2011 11:13:07 ** PrintUserInfo(1568): Add user mac(00-08-A1-AD-7F-83) ,timeleft(Unlimit) ,Upload Limit(Unlimit) ,Download Limit(Unlimit) ,Global Data transfer Setting: D/L Count Off ,Global Data transfer Setting: U/L Count Off, Data transfer sharing OFF ,Expire Date [31-12-1969 14:39:59] ,ACL [OFF]
01/07/2011 11:13:07 ** CreateBWLL: Counting is not enabled.
01/07/2011 11:13:07 ** insert_entry=>
01/07/2011 11:13:07 ** <=insert_entry
01/07/2011 11:13:07 ** StartServiceThread: (check) OP_ADD [1]
01/07/2011 11:13:23 ** OP_UPDATE_IBMSG_STATE(1512) =>
01/07/2011 11:13:23 ** update_iBMsgState=> mac=144584397096960, state=2
01/07/2011 11:13:23 ** update_iBMsgState: IOCTL_CMD_UPDATE_IBMSG_STATE SUCCESS
01/07/2011 11:13:23 ** <=update_iBMsgState
01/07/2011 11:13:23 ** <= OP_UPDATE_IBMSG_STATE(1512)
01/07/2011 11:53:05 ** DeviceNotifyDB: reseted DeviceNotifyDB event
01/07/2011 11:53:05 ** DeviceNotifyDB: total clients[1]
01/07/2011 11:53:05 ** mac address (00-08-A1-AD-7F-83) timeout in session table
01/07/2011 11:53:05 ** DeviceNotifyDB : Session log is on **
01/07/2011 11:53:05 ** DispatcherWriteToDBLogout: ODBC Logout [Reason: 3]
01/07/2011 11:53:05 ** DispatcherWriteToDBLogout: Normal User
01/07/2011 11:53:05 ** DispatcherReadDBNewTimeleft: time left unchanged
01/07/2011 11:53:05 ** DispatcherWriteToDBLogout: No limited time left is set
01/07/2011 11:53:05 ** DispatcherWriteToDBLogout: Download Transfer Rate Consumption[0KB] of Current Login
01/07/2011 11:53:05 ** DispatcherWriteToDBLogout: Download accumulated usage[0KB]
01/07/2011 11:53:05 ** DispatcherWriteToDBLogout: Upload Transfer Rate Consumption[0KB] of Current Login
01/07/2011 11:53:05 ** DispatcherWriteToDBLogout: Upload accumulated usage[0KB]
01/07/2011 11:53:05 ** DispatcherWriteToDBLogout: Sharing Transfer Rate Consumption[0KB] of Current Login
01/07/2011 11:53:05 ** DispatcherWriteToDBLogout: Sharing accumulated usage[0KB]
01/07/2011 11:53:05 ** DispatcherReadDBNewEdate=>
01/07/2011 11:53:05 ** DispatcherReadDBNewEdate: edate []
01/07/2011 11:53:05 ** DispatcherReadDBNewEdate: roption [0]
01/07/2011 11:53:05 ** DispatcherReadDBNewEdate: edate in time_t [1309557185]
01/07/2011 11:53:05 ** <=DispatcherReadDBNewEdate
01/07/2011 11:53:05 ** DispatcherWriteToDBLogout: EDATE is updated, edateDiff 0
01/07/2011 11:53:05 ** remove_entry ->
01/07/2011 11:53:05 ** <- remove_entry
01/07/2011 11:53:05 ** DispatcherWriteToDBLogout: Force logout->client mac(00-08-A1-AD-7F-83) has been logged out
01/07/2011 11:53:05 ** DeviceNotifyDB : user {fsusr} log {fsusrlog}**
01/07/2011 19:03:42 ** AuthLoginODBC: Authenticate[]
01/07/2011 19:03:42 ** RetVal[1]
01/07/2011 19:03:42 ** AuthLoginODBC:[] recur_option[0], week_sch[0], start time[-1], end time[-1]
01/07/2011 19:03:42 ** AuthLoginODBC: Current Time [Fri Jul 01 19:03:42 2011], [600]sec
01/07/2011 19:03:42 ** AuthLoginODBC:[] browser Information (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU like Mac OS X; fr) AppleWebKit/420.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.0 Mobile/4A93 Safari/419.3)
01/07/2011 19:03:42 ** PrintUserInfo(1584): Add user mac(00-1E-C2-42-CF-9C) ,timeleft(Unlimit) ,Upload Limit(Unlimit) ,Download Limit(Unlimit) ,Global Data transfer Setting: D/L Count Off ,Global Data transfer Setting: U/L Count Off, Data transfer sharing OFF ,Expire Date [31-12-1969 14:10:00] ,ACL [OFF]
01/07/2011 19:03:42 ** CreateBWLL: Counting is not enabled.
01/07/2011 19:03:42 ** insert_entry=>
01/07/2011 19:03:42 ** <=insert_entry
01/07/2011 19:03:42 ** StartServiceThread: (check) OP_ADD [1]
01/07/2011 19:13:42 ** DeviceNotifyDB: reseted DeviceNotifyDB event
01/07/2011 19:13:42 ** DeviceNotifyDB: total clients[1]
01/07/2011 19:13:42 ** mac address (00-1E-C2-42-CF-9C) timeout in session table
01/07/2011 19:13:42 ** DeviceNotifyDB : Session log is on **
01/07/2011 19:13:42 ** DispatcherWriteToDBLogout: ODBC Logout [Reason: 3]
01/07/2011 19:13:42 ** DispatcherWriteToDBLogout: Normal User
01/07/2011 19:13:42 ** DispatcherReadDBNewTimeleft: time left unchanged
01/07/2011 19:13:42 ** DispatcherWriteToDBLogout: No limited time left is set
01/07/2011 19:13:42 ** DispatcherWriteToDBLogout: Download Transfer Rate Consumption[0KB] of Current Login
01/07/2011 19:13:42 ** DispatcherWriteToDBLogout: Download accumulated usage[0KB]
01/07/2011 19:13:42 ** DispatcherWriteToDBLogout: Upload Transfer Rate Consumption[0KB] of Current Login
01/07/2011 19:13:42 ** DispatcherWriteToDBLogout: Upload accumulated usage[0KB]
01/07/2011 19:13:42 ** DispatcherWriteToDBLogout: Sharing Transfer Rate Consumption[0KB] of Current Login
01/07/2011 19:13:42 ** DispatcherWriteToDBLogout: Sharing accumulated usage[0KB]
01/07/2011 19:13:42 ** DispatcherReadDBNewEdate=>
01/07/2011 19:13:42 ** DispatcherReadDBNewEdate: edate [Fri Jul 01 19:13:42 2011]
01/07/2011 19:13:42 ** DispatcherReadDBNewEdate: roption [0]
01/07/2011 19:13:42 ** DispatcherReadDBNewEdate: edate in time_t [1309583622]
01/07/2011 19:13:42 ** <=DispatcherReadDBNewEdate
01/07/2011 19:13:42 ** DispatcherWriteToDBLogout: EDATE is updated, edateDiff 0
01/07/2011 19:13:42 ** remove_entry ->
01/07/2011 19:13:42 ** <- remove_entry
01/07/2011 19:13:42 ** DispatcherWriteToDBLogout: Force logout->client mac(00-1E-C2-42-CF-9C) has been logged out
01/07/2011 19:13:42 ** DeviceNotifyDB : user {fsusr} log {fsusrlog}**
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Joined: 28 Jun 2011
Posts: 6
Location: French Polynesia

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 11:54 pm    
Post subject: Timeout problems

Hello, Do you know where the problem coming from ? I'll try to reinstall the driver of the network ethernet card. Maybe the driver is not the good one.
Please can you tell me what can I do to resolve my problem of client's bandwith ?
Thank you
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Forum facilitator

Joined: 26 Sep 2003
Posts: 4435

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 10:02 am    
Post subject:

Please check out . Also, please try to install FirstSpot in another Windows to see whether this problem persists (you can use the trial version as a test).
~ Patronsoft Limited ~
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Joined: 28 Jun 2011
Posts: 6
Location: French Polynesia

PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 1:27 am    
Post subject: Timeout problems

I have resolved my problem.
It was the network cards, the driver was not the good one (the card is a realtek and the driver was for TRENDNET). I have reinstall the drivers and now it works perfecly.
Thank you again for all of your help.
Have a good day.
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